Charge Fitness

Personal Strength & Conditioning

Experience the ultimate muscle conditioning workout with our strength and conditioning program. By combining EMS with resistance, energizing movements such as squats, presses, and crunches, you’ll ignite your muscles and achieve growth, strength, and endurance. Prepare to push your limits and exceed your fitness goals with this dynamic and effective program.

Personal Strength & Conditioning

Experience the ultimate muscle conditioning workout with our strength and conditioning program. By combining EMS with resistance, energizing movements such as squats, presses, and crunches, you’ll ignite your muscles and achieve growth, strength, and endurance. Prepare to push your limits and exceed your fitness goals with this dynamic and effective program!

Learn how Adrian got into
the best shape of his life!

Improve Your Strength, Flexibility and Mobility.

Experience the ultimate muscle conditioning workout with our strength and conditioning program. By combining EMS with resistance, energizing movements such as squats, presses, and crunches, you’ll ignite your muscles and achieve growth, strength, and endurance. Prepare to push your limits and exceed your fitness goals with this dynamic and effective program!

How Muscle gain, strength and conditioning is achieved through Electro muscle stimulation training

EMS training can be an effective way to kickstart a fitness journey or get back into fitness by increasing muscle activation and improving overall fitness.

Consult with a certified personal trainer

Before starting any new exercise program, it's essential to consult with a certified personal trainer who can assess your current fitness level and develop a personalized training plan that incorporates EMS technology.

Set realistic goals

Whether you're starting a fitness journey or getting back into fitness, it's essential to set realistic goals. A personal trainer can help you develop realistic goals that are tailored to your fitness level and help you track your progress.

Start slowly and build gradually

When starting a fitness journey or getting back into fitness, it's important to start slowly and gradually build up intensity and duration. A personal trainer can help you develop a plan that starts at an appropriate intensity level and gradually increases over time.

Incorporate EMS into your workout routine

EMS can be incorporated into your workout routine in a variety of ways, such as using EMS as a warm-up or cool-down, incorporating EMS into a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routine, or using EMS to target specific muscle groups.

Monitor progress

Keep track of your progress by tracking your fitness metrics, such as body composition, strength, and endurance. Regular progress monitoring can help keep you motivated and on track to reach your fitness goals.

Increase bone density

EMS provides an effective way to strengthen your bones - it targets the source of strength, stimulating them directly and helping to build up mass and density for increased resilience.

How Muscle gain, strength and conditioning is achieved through Electro muscle stimulation training

EMS training can be an effective way to kickstart a fitness journey or get back into fitness by increasing muscle activation and improving overall fitness.

Consult with a certified personal trainer

Before starting any new exercise program, it's essential to consult with a certified personal trainer who can assess your current fitness level and develop a personalized training plan that incorporates EMS technology.

Set realistic goals

Whether you're starting a fitness journey or getting back into fitness, it's essential to set realistic goals. A personal trainer can help you develop realistic goals that are tailored to your fitness level and help you track your progress.

Start slowly and build gradually

When starting a fitness journey or getting back into fitness, it's important to start slowly and gradually build up intensity and duration. A personal trainer can help you develop a plan that starts at an appropriate intensity level and gradually increases over time.

Incorporate EMS into your workout routine

EMS can be incorporated into your workout routine in a variety of ways, such as using EMS as a warm-up or cool-down, incorporating EMS into a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routine, or using EMS to target specific muscle groups.

Monitor progress

Keep track of your progress by tracking your fitness metrics, such as body composition, strength, and endurance. Regular progress monitoring can help keep you motivated and on track to reach your fitness goals.

Increase bone density

EMS provides an effective way to strengthen your bones - it targets the source of strength, stimulating them directly and helping to build up mass and density for increased resilience.

Try our EMS for Muscle gain, strength and conditioning!

Looking to take your strength training regimen up a notch? EMS (Electro Muscle Stimulation) just might be the answer. By targeting specific muscle groups, it helps address weaknesses and create balance; plus proper diet and regular exercise programs can lead to improved overall conditioning with maximum gains in strength. 

Our EMS studio is a revolution in fitness: unlock your potential with our low impact approach that allows you to achieve greater heights of performance and wellbeing. Conquer conventional obstacles like lack of time or discomfort – we’ll create an individualized program just for you, so whether you’re new to the game or are looking for a competitive edge, let us help you get there faster!